Thursday, May 8, 2008

Addictive Facebook Applications

Recently, Facebook has become a very boring place to visit on the net, mostly because of the many requests you get for stupid applications like "what type of food are you?" or "What's your blood type?" or "Which Disney character are you?". That all stopped mattering to me since I found these really cool addictive applications that you should make a Facebook account just to play.

The first one is called Tower Bloxx. In the application, you are supposed to put a building together by droping one level onto another from a moving crane. I know I'm not really clear on what you have to do but just search for the application and addiction grabs hold of you like love at first sight ( although I don't beleive in love at first sight but it's just a figure of speech ).

The second application which is more addictive than Tower Bloxx is "Who has the biggest brain?" I know the name of this application sounds like the names of the other pointless Facebook applications but trust me, this game was made to addict. It's like Pepsi, or the Nintendo WII, once you have it, you can't let go of it. It was hard to leave the application and come here and blog about it. This app ( this is short for application as it is annoying to spell application over and over agian ) calculates the volume of your brain after several exercises like math exercises, memmory exercises, and other exercises. Then it tells you whose brain you have (e.g. rabbit, goat, a really smart person etc.)

P.S. If you get the brain of the goat the first time don't get insulted because it happens to everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that Face Book is the Most stupidest, boringest, suck-ish-yst(I'm not sure if those are real words. If they i arent, well they are now) website ever. But now that you mention that there are some interesting app (as hard as it is to believe) I think I'll check it out. :D

P.S x-ques my slightly course weird langauge..