Friday, May 16, 2008

Chronicles of Fish

In my family, fish have had many adventures. The latest one being that my sister got 2 goldfish yesterday as a present from her friend. After putting just the right amount of food for the fish before going to sleep, my mom put in too much. We woke up to find the fish floating in the water. My brother laughed at the fish and when he did, my sister got annoyed at him and told him that it's not funny.

So today in the afternoon, we got 2 new goldfish. NO ONE WAS TO FEED THEM EXCEPT ME!!!

In the past ( about 6 - 8 years ago ), my cousin got a goldfish as a present in a bowl that wasn't supposed to hold more than 2 fish at maximum. Apparently, my cousin's dad didn't know this fact because the next day he went and bought 17 fish and put them all in the small 2-fish bowl. They all died. Everyday, one would be seen floating untill there were no mor fish in the bowl.

I don't think anymore fish would like to be welcomed into the family after what hapenned to the past 19 fish.


Anonymous said...

HAHA which one?!?

Khalid said...

what do u mean which one?