Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Did You Know?

It blew my mind when i read these facts and i didn't beleive them at first but nevertheless, they're 100% true.
Here they are:
  1. Elephants are the only animals that don't jump.
  2. Your heart has the strenght to shoot your blood 10 M in the air. WOW
  3. The tounge us the strongest muscle in the human body.
  4. People are more afraid of spiders than they are of death!
  5. All polar bears are left-handed.
  6. Crocodiles cannot stick their toungues out.
  7. Butterflies taste with their feet.
  8. A cocroach can live 9 days without its head. It only dies because it cannot eat.
  9. Starfish have no brains.
  10. A duck's quack has no echo. Nobody knows why.
  11. It's impossible to sneeze with you eyes open.
  12. A mosquito has teeth.
  13. Thomas Edison was afraid the fact (just in case you were wondering, Thomas Edison is the dude who invented the lightbulb.)
  14. It's impossible to suck/lick your elbow.
  15. 80 % of people who read this fact try to suck their elbows. Don't be one of them.


Tala said...

lol! i tried fifteen, hehehe

those are cool facts.

i used to think that the jaw muscles are the strongest..

i dont knw where i read that cocroaches would be the only ones to survive, if we were subjected to high radio activity because of their shell while we would need lots of thick Pb barriers. i wish every cocroach dies, i hate them. they are my nightmare, i always freeze when i see one.

Anonymous said...

Lool at the spiders. :D

I don't know, I kind of like them.

And about what Tala said, I've heard it also. In case of a catastrophe, cockroaches will be the survivors!

Khalid said...

the shell fact is really cool...maybe we could use them to make nuclear reactions instead of having to employ people who will get injured and have health problems, but the question is HOW?

Khaled said...

I tried 14 as well. It's like the fact you can't see your tongue as well.

Khalid said...

wow, i just discovered that u can't see ur tounge... :p , there it is and i tried seeing it as well

Anonymous said...

i ddnt try 14 cuz iv already tried it b4 ;)