Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hamley's in Jordan

Many people have noticed the toy shop Hamley's opening in Mecca Street near Applebeas ( i don't know if that's how you spell it but i think you get me) and to be precise in the same building as IDdesign. Hamley's is undoubtedly one of the coolest toy shops in the world. Just like Toys R Us. The original Hamley's is in London and it's a 7- storey building and on each storey, there are toys of different categories like girls, toddlers, boys, teenagers, electronics etc. They even have a Lego section.

Many people have been wondering if the Hamley's in Jordan would be the same as the Hamley's in London. Here's my response: although the Hamley's in Jordan isn't 7 storyes high and not as popular as the one in London, it's still a franchise and according to what i took in business class, a franchise should be similar to the original business. So there you go, of course Hamley's wouldn't be the same, but it would still be great!


Anonymous said...

im preety sure u spell it applebees

Khalid said...

ya well good to know
i always get mixed up on how to spell it