Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sony XEL-1

I remember the first time I saw an LCD screen. My first impression was a mixture of curiosity and amazement. I was curious at the fact that it was thin. I was amazed at the fact that it looked modern and cool and was anti-glare. NICE!
The typical LCD screen is considered very unsophisticated next to the new Sony XEL-1. This new Sony creation is something that the world of technology has never seen before. It's not a new invention. It's just a modified, much cooler, more sophisticated, much thinner version of an LCD screen. Take a look...

Believe it or not, this screen is 1/8 of an inch thick. Or should i say thin?! Its resolution is 960x540 and it costs around $2,500.

There's just one thing i have to say: WOW!

1 comment:

Khaled said...

It looks nice, but its resolution proves its not fully HD. What a shame.